Deploy your Machine learning Model on Docker

Chayan Deokar
3 min readMay 27, 2021

Task Description

👉 Pull the Docker container image of CentOS image from DockerHub and create a new container

👉 Install the Python software on the top of docker container

👉 In Container you need to copy/create machine learning model which you have created in jupyter notebook

Docker should be installed

step1-Docker –version to check the version of docker

step2-we need to start docker

step-3 we need to download centos image

step-4 we need to launch os with image (centos)

step-5 we have to install python3

step-6 we also have to install some libary to work on it

· Pip3 install numpy

· Pip3 install pandas

· Pip3 install scikit-learn

step-7 we need to transfer our data from window to redhat through winscp

Now we our file in redhat by ls command you can check

step-8 we have to send this file to docker to our launched os and we have to start our os and we have to go in that

we have to write our Machine learning code

run that file with python and we see this file is saved and dump

step-9 we have to create our prediction file

whatever we want to predict the value we can do it

step-10 we need to run file with python3

Thank you !!

